MINImus ; i've read a lot of your malarky here also in fact you have over 20000 posts here, more than half of it is drivel. you have some good questions. but no nerve ( in my opinion) your in the united states. ? let's me and you call bethel on a 3 way calls. we can do this for the rest of the year. i have lots if free time. never question my knowledge pulling those jw tactics on me , it will not work. just let me know when you get the BALLS to call bethel. i'll p.m you my phone number till we call bethel and ask some questions... never call me full of crap. john
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus indoes it make you feel good when you tell jaracz and company how much they suck, how they're gonna disintegrate and why you're so pissed?
Do You Feel Good Telling Off The GB & Other Watchtower Officials Here?
by minimus indoes it make you feel good when you tell jaracz and company how much they suck, how they're gonna disintegrate and why you're so pissed?
johnny cip
WANT TO PISS OFF BETHEL ZOMBIES. MINIMUS HERE'S THE PHONE NUMBER TO BETHEL 718-560-5000 . ASK THEM ALL QUESTIONS YOU ASK HERE. THEN COME BACK AND TELL US HOW WELL YOU DID.? till then some of your questions mean nothing. DO you have the BALLS TO ask bethel the questions you ask here.? try it some time. you should tape your calls like that jwd poster( i forget her name) did with j.r. Brown and made a complete asshole out of him on the child molesting stuff. i would love to hear you sound anything like you make yourself out to be on this board. i didn't mean you any malintent. i just the felling you promote something your not. john
All current JWs: What is this?
by AuldSoul inthe bible students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. within three years, the number tripled.. the "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "millions now living will never die.
" upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in germany alone.
the talk series had a longer title, "the world has endedmillions now living will never die.
johnny cip
Slimboy fat; you lost this arguement 2 days ago. your just using wt arguementation on jn 21;20-23 jesus never said john would be ALIVE IN THE FLESH BEFORE HE RETURNED. Has nothing to do with 1925. and thE apostles never went around preaching this for years after JESUS died on the cross. it was only a QUESTION ASKED BY THE APOSTLES. AND jesus set them straight right then and there." it's none of your business". THIS IS A CHEAP WT TRICK. I'VE HEARD IT 1000'S OF TIMES. there is no prophecy in jn : 21; 20-23 ONLY JESUS SETTING THE APOSTLES STRAIGHT. i can't believe you can't see this. now let's talk about john's soul/spritual body. when did it go into heaven 1874, 1878, 1881, 1905,1912,1914, 1915, 1918/1919, 1921, 1932 1935 etc. you think JOHN WILL BE hanging out IN HEAVEN with RUSSELL, NELSON BARBOUR, JUDGE RUTHERFRAUD, STORRS, WILLIAM MILLER. FRED FRANZ AND ALL THOSE OTHER FALSE PROPHETS OF THE SECOND ADVENTISTS? don't make me LAUGH. I can't type for crap.. ,but you wouldn't last 15 minutes with me in person. those are just the facts. i would drag you so far into the QUICKSAND OF "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE AND THE 1919/1922 CONVENTIONS AT CEDAR POINT OHIO. REV. CLIMAX BOOK you would be begging me to pull out of the QUICK SAND and i wouldn't even open one book or bible. i feel sorry for you. john
All current JWs: What is this?
by AuldSoul inthe bible students in 1918 numbered very few, fewer than 6,000. within three years, the number tripled.. the "intriguing subject" they proclaimed from 1918 through 1922 was "millions now living will never die.
" upwards of 70,000 attended to hear this message proclaimed in germany alone.
the talk series had a longer title, "the world has endedmillions now living will never die.
johnny cip
I"M not going to get into it with slim boy fat or any one else here. i'll just present some facts that i'm not going to look up again for the 1000x. in a 1917 and a 1923 wt mag. it clearly said a christian had" more HOPE IN 1925 THAN NOAH HAD IN THE FLOOD" i'll ask a simple question who told NOAH ABOUT THE FLOOD? NOW HERE THE WT SAID THEY WERE MORE SURE THAN NOAH WAS ABOUT 1925 THAN NOAH WAS ABOUT THE FLOOD. guess who told NoaH about the flood and who told RUTHERFRAUD ABOUT 1925.? IF the story of noah is true and jehovah told him to build an ark. then it had to be none other that SATAN who told RUTHERFRAUD about 1925. THERE IS NO WIGGLE ROOM . I've researched this topic inside and out for 10 years. the wts today in 2007 is clearly LYING ABOUT WHAT THEY WERE TEACHING AT THE 1919 AND 1922 CONVENTIONS AT CEDAR POINT OHIO. I have questioned 1000's of jw's about " THE WORLD HAS ENDED/ MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" and other teaching from the this era. and trust me if 2 jw's out of 1000's . ever even had a response more than advertise advertise advertise. that's a lot. the big question is what were they ADVERTISING IN 1922.? A false prophecy about the world ending in 1925. It's all straight out bullcrap YOU CAN READ ALL THE LIES RIGHT IN THIS YEARS WT study book REV. CLIMAX BOOK. thaNK GOD I RESEARCHED THESE LIES. YEARS AGO. JOHN
Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC
by sir82 infrom someone who attended:.
there was a big elders meeting in columbia sc on saturday june 9.. around 240 congregations, 2000+ elders.. the society wants to build a brand new assembly hall in columbia, sc, to handle the huge influx of jws moving to the us southeast from up north.. they expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by april 2010).
total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.. they want to have the whole thing paid for by the time the building is done - no long term loans.. they "strongly suggested" that each of the 240 congregations commit to supporting "their share" of the expense.
johnny cip
good topic. and yes the WTBTS is nothing more than a REAL ESTATE SCAM. I GET THE feeling the local newpapers in carolina , are going to be printing about the wt scam....
1954 Watchtower "Walsh Trial" transcript
by Nathan Natas inlook what i found:.
free download....
johnny cip
johnny cip
theres a lot here i don't believe mostly from newbies that only post a few times. i know i tell lots of stories about how i rake jw over the coals. and some of it sounds unbelievable. it's all true , but I was on the poster from here "sick of lies" tapes and not half of what "sick of lies" taped from his j.c. with me on it was even posted here or on "freeminds'. the reason is because i smoked his elders so bad it would not be political correct for this forum. but if anyone listens to the tapes. you will see how i blasted "sick of lies " hard nose elders in 15 minutes. over 3 calles . i'm the WTS EXPOSER... and any here that think i talk crap only need to p.m. me to call their local elders, family, jw';s etc. till then I rest my case. if anyone here calles me a lair they got another thing coming.
Most Ex-JWs R Not Active in the Anti-JW Community. Maybe 1%? Any thoughts?
by Seeker4 inyesterday i called a family on the west coast that were in my congregation 18 years ago.
between parents, kids and marriage partners, there were six of them who had been witnesses.
they have all faded, and have had nothing to do with the witnesses for at least 15 year or more.. yet, none of them is in any way active even in looking at the ex-jw sites online.
johnny cip
good topic. I know dozens of jw kids ( now in thier 30's-50's) including my siblings that were dragged to the hall as kids. and next to none of them being inactive want anything to do with jw's or xjw work. they just don't care and laugh it off. well a few weeks ago my sister calls me and tells me , the jw's called and she let them set up a study with her. and for me to please drive upstate and be there. with the promise of a big bbq after i wipe the floor with them. so this man and wife show up. i waisted no time . with a straight out attack on the wt. this lasted about 15 minutes. with the wife trying to defend the tower. i ended up talking to the husband alone in the back yard for over an hour. he had questions. and i gave him all i could without scaring him off. funny he looked up some of the stuff i gave him. and returned next week with another jw's and they both wanted to pick my brain. i went prepared with a copy of "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE" and a few other books and printouts. i'll just say i was surprised how well it went. this man was very honest in wanting to know why the wt has been lying to him for 30 years. john
Tammy Faye Messner Died.
by El Kabong injust announced on cnn.
saw her on larry king live last week and she looked awful.
johnny cip
I need help destroying witness bastards!
by dawg inok, so everytime i'm around my crazy as hell witness family, they always say that all the false predictions and stuff is in the ancient witness past... we all know better... anyone that can provide me current dumba** things that the witnesses have changed in the last say 15 years gets to have wild sex with me as a reward.
ok, maybe that's not much of a reward but will you please help me destroy the idiots anyway?
johnny cip
Dawg; I see this as a easy 10 minute arguement. just tell them you will not believe jesus choose the wts as the fds in 1919 till your jw family has a study on all the original wt books that jesus read from je3sus' inspection of all religions from 1914-1918. and use the rev. grand climax book as the basis for wanting to prove all things true. i never lose this arguement. it's so easy but you have to know your stuff... in fact i do this with out ever opening one book. john